Happy Birthday Jim...........:))
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If I could I would have.....Collected scenes from all the old movies that showed a birthday celebration and would have conglomerated them all together for you or I would have collected all the journal notes that were written by your relatives and conglomerated them all together for you or I would have collected all the photos of you and your birthdays for the last 46 years for you and shared them with you, but I don't have access to all those things.
But I will.... Bake a cake and share it with my family in rememberance of several people that have their birthdays in January, Elvis, my mom(gone now)my grandchild and Jim, and the list may grow. I wonder what the weather was like the day Jim was born, maybe it was snowing, probably. I wonder what his brother's and sister's said the day he was born. I wonder how many people remember it's Jim's birthday today. I just wonder! Have a Wonderful, funderful Birthday. Happy Birthday Great 46 but really you're 35 forever.(in the words of Neil Sedaka, Happy Birthday Sweet 16)
Dear mr Jim CarreyHAPPY BIRTHDAY !
Last edited by kitcat1885 on Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It'll take you 2 years to catch up to me...
but wait... by then I'll be 2 years older than you.. ha ha... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!...Jimster Luv Ya!
God keep alive for a long time! I like you very much. You cheer up with your game. Gabriella.
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OH, I'm a bit late.. sorry
Happy Birthday Jim! ^^ <3 "Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile,
and finds in your presence that life is worth while. So when you are lonely, remember it's true Somebody somewhere is thinking of you."
Happy Birthday... only just typing it on here but i was spreading the joy on the 17th lol telling everyone it was jims birthday hes still the sexiest man ever lol.
Happy Birthday and good luck!
"I really want to love somebody. I do. I just don't know if it's possible forever and ever." JC
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