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Really need to vent!!

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Really need to vent!!

Postby babygirl_lace » Mon Dec 05, 2005 8:05 pm

Every just have one of those days??? weeks? years?? Ugh... I am so tired of peoples crap! I hate my job...I work in child care...and no I dont hate the children, I am just very very extremely burnt out on this job. Because I am pregnant I have no way out really because I need the insurance...which irritates the heck out of me (pre-exsisting condition) therefore meaning I'd have to fork over like half my pay check a month to do it on my own and I can't afford that! I dont know many who can.
So I am sorry if this topic puts a damper on your day, but my I just needed to vent to some people whom I thought would understand. Sorry I am just irritated with life right now! :(

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Postby mav » Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:23 am

My friend works a 12 hr job most days and feels the same...
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Postby KC8t80 » Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:28 pm

hang in there babygirl_lace.....my mom is going through the same thing right now.....my mom is trying to get us by with a job that she only works at when they need the help.....i am doing what i can to help take the load off.

but i just want to say.......hang in there though u will have a lot of cloudy/rainy days, there will always be days where everyting will go right and something wonderful will happen that will help in your life.
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Postby mav » Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:38 am

Yeah, and take care of yourself...smile...like you will when the baby arrives :) Hang in there...i wish you the best.
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Song"Mama said ther'd be days like this"

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:35 pm

I can somewhat understand, all you can do is what you can do, take care of yourself as best you can, don't overbook yourself during this holiday season. Look at the faces of those little children and remember what it was like to just be happy. Little children just love us and care and when they are tired they sleep right then and there.
I pray things get better for you.
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Postby Realdini » Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:00 pm

OOhhh.. thats must be hard to you guys :(

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Postby babygirl_lace » Wed Dec 07, 2005 11:30 pm

Thank you for all your support... I am sure things will look up. Ive been trying to find things to do with myself to keep me occupied. I am looking into a film school in Minneapolis and thinking of taking some Yoga and swimming areobics classes at the YMCA to help get me centered on whats really important...my baby. :) thanks again guys!

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