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None of your business but want to share..

Postby lammy » Tue Jul 19, 2005 1:58 am

I am a woman that has been through so much and am surprised to be alive...

When I was 5 my cousin who was 15 molested me-when I was 8 a family member molested me, when I was 15 a friend of a family played with me...When I was 15 I found out my parents were swingers, my dad left us cause he couldn't bring people over the house to do their thing...When I was 16 I had my daughter and her father mentaly abused me, saying that he would take her away from me and he would never bring me anywhere because I had to go to the bathroom a lot when I was pregnant-he would leave me alone in the house..this caused me to sleep with one of his family member.....My parents left me alone in the states when I was 18, causing me to be wild and would have someone watch my daughter while I was partying.....I was bouncing from house to house....when I was 21 I moved back in with my daughters grandmother and she made me pay rent when her son was not paying me child support....their house was taken over by the bank which caused me to move in with a friend of mine that was heavily into crack-never tried it and I thank my lucky stars...but, I had to go to court because my daughters grandmother did not want to give me my duaghter back..got pregnant with my son who is going to be 5 years old and is living with his father cause he told me he would kill himself if I took him- :? I agreed to leave him behind and am suffering dearly...now I have a 3 month old that I take care of myself with no support and I tell you, my life has been SHIT and I am wishing that in the near future I will have some comfort from all that I have described...I wanted you guys to know that I am not perfect and no one is really, please love one another-it's all God wants us to do.....
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Postby mav » Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:27 am

Those are terrible things to go through, lammy. There is nothing I hate more in this world than pedophilia... I swear I could kill them, dont care whatever their problem is.

First off, I'm sad to know that your son is not with you. I can only hope the father is good to him.
I also hope the children are getting good education.... its so important. I know they are in better hands than you were. I wish all of you the best in life!

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Postby jimliker » Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:35 pm

i feel sorry for u Lammy. :( Those molesters should be thrown under the fiery pitt of hell....i hate such people who doesnt respect girls. :evil:
u r a strong woman Lammy. I hope that your kids are well taken care of.

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Postby fluffy » Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:42 pm

You are a survivor Lammy, for that you have my full respect....

fluffy :wink:
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Postby Conor » Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:09 pm

im completly with fluffy.

i am very happy that you have survived through all of this and you have all of my best for your life
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Postby lammy » Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:29 pm

I'm just glad that I didn't turn to prostitution like most molested woman do.

The sad part is that I never told my parents cause they were the ones to blame for what happened!

I really hate thinking about stuff like that....I still have a whole life ahead of me and I will swing good things my way- :lol: :D
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Postby lammy » Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:38 pm

When I was 5 my parents wanted to go out to buy our xmas present but didn't want to take us so they left at night and my dad tied me to my bed with his handcuffs(he was a cop back then) and left....they were afraid that I would get up in the middle of the night and not see them and be scared and run to the neighbors....My oldest brother confirmed me that this was true- :? I never have like my father even though he was physicaly there..he abused my mom and I was also traumatized by this..he dragged my mom by the hair to the bathroom and began screaming at her and stuff-I was 8 and since that moment-my father can kiss my ass!! I never had respect for him to this day I don't speak to him-he thinks he is SHIT and ain't Fnck...

I should have really seeing someone for my emotional stress....I once tried to kill myself-when I was 15-took a whole bottle of tylenol and drank them all, but nothing happened to me...oh and I almost killed me and my daughter when she was in my stomach, cause her father didn't pay attention to me...and I also used to beat him up when we were alone- :?

I can go on but I am sure others are worst off than me...today I know I have scars this is why I do something that I am not supposed to do- :oops:
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Postby Jackson_Reach » Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:00 am

Sad to hear, but glad you turned out ok!
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Lammy, it sounds like you have alot of sadness inside ..

Postby Canadian Jayne » Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:46 am

you still. There are many of us who have been single parents and still are. My greatest termoil is hoping my children will be OK and be able to make the right decisions, be loved and cared for even when they leave home. Often when in a violent home, the memories come back at the most peculiar time bringing alot of sadness with it. When sadness comes try and bring in happiness, go on JCO, listen to fun music, dance around the house, do the things you like to do. When I was raising 4 kids,(they saw their dad about once a month for a few hours)I spent most of my time with my children and had very little for myself, but I am glad not that it was that way, being alone can be very lonely,.we'd go out and play baseball, or go for a walk, or have kids over, or sing or dance, do homework together (they liked to play school in the summer)
go swimming, to the beach, dogsledding, the good thing was we lived in the country and they had to play with their siblings,
make an igloo, go toboganning in the winter, I had very few funds but sometimes the funnest things are free. Just do the best that you can, and I think that is what you are doing. That's why we have each other to ask for help, or ideas, we don't have to take anyones advice, just do what is best for ourselves and the ones that are under our care at the time
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Postby lammy » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:53 am

I stay sane by saying that there are people worse of than me- :?

It helps a lot!
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Postby Conor » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:18 pm


Last edited by Conor on Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Jimenem » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:17 pm

Nice one Future Mod, way to go! :evil: You could have done that differently! :x

Anyway Lammy I'm sry to hear that :cry: . I salute you for staying Strong. You could be a role model for so many women who have been there too, You stayed away from drugs and prstitution, Hard to do, I commend you!
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Postby lammy » Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:48 am

LOL!!! I can't even watch that movie, it is not in the movie rental stores down here.... :twisted:
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Postby Jimenem » Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:27 pm

Your not missing anything.
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Postby Janel » Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:50 am

I'm sorry to hear that life has been more than difficult for you. It really does help to realize that there are so many people that are struggling with worse scenarios than us....Makes me feel like I can "buck up" and try to learn from my current situation while doing what I can to improve it instead of feeling like I'm the only one who has troubles. Well done, Lammy--keep hangin in there and keep doing the right thing as choices present themselves. Thanks for sharing.........peace, girl....... :wink:
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