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What kind of zodiac sign are you??

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Postby cotton » Thu Oct 20, 2005 10:48 pm

This sounds like me and Jim

Cancer and Capricorn are 180 degrees in opposition from each other astrologically speaking, but it need not be true in life. Both signs have plenty in common. The cancer's great sympathy and understanding is honey to the Capricorn's misunderstood complaints. Both have a tendency to plod along until they get what they want. Capricorn has the ability to make cancer's dream come true, while cancer is happy wishing for and wanting the success and security that the Capricorn mate strives for.
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Postby wonderbunny » Sat Oct 22, 2005 6:03 am

I'm a Pisces, two fish swimming in opposite directions. The duality can be a challenge. But are wonderful at adapting to our circumstances! :D However, we are too sensitive for our own good :roll: And some of us come with big fangs (if hurt, we white fang our opponant, and then feel really bad about afterwards)
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